
pi2Life B2B marketplace for local, regional and international resellers such as distributors, wholesalers and traders

Receive business inquiries directly from buyers and their authorised procurement managers

Brands, Suppliers and Manufacturers

Local, regional and international consumer brands and private label manufacturers of sustainable vegan, plant-based, cruelty-free consumer product

Add your vegan, plant-based, cruelty-free product range on digital marketplace along with verification labels, trademarks, licenses and sustainability scores.

Increase visibility in front of targeted buyers

Receive business inquiries directly from buyers and their authorised procurement managers

Contact buyers in response to call for suppliers

Access pre-filtered list of buyers by leveraging supplier sourcing matchmaking capabilities

Want to know more and see how it work?

B2B Marketplace is an online buyer-seller platform for business buyers and procurement managers to send personalised business inquiries to suppliers of vegan, plant-based, cruelty-free consumer products

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How it works
Retailers and Procurement Managers
Distributors, Wholesalers and Traders
Brands, Suppliers and Manufacturers
Verification Issuers
© 2024 by Positive Impact Technologies, Lausanne, Switzerland